The Leadership Equation
When recruiting a leadership team, the goal is to hire the top 5 to 10 percent of executives – a finite group of professionals who must be specifically identified and diligently pursued. Many companies have fluctuating strategies when recruiting one or more members of the leadership team. Recruiting the senior most leadership requires consistently applied expertise and a disciplined approach.
Aligned Growth Partners focuses on the fundamentals of executive search: A shared commitment to define the project, agree on an interview and selection process, target the correct industries and companies, manage communications, pursue and evaluate top candidates, and drive decisions.
We know that each executive fits into the whole. We leverage our collective knowledge to understand both the company, position, and culture requirements – the corporate DNA – to recruit candidates with the right blend of hard and soft skills.
Unlike global executive search firms or boutique retained or contingent search firms, we have sole ownership of our reputation and are accountable for our work – there is no back office. Our partners work with integrity, keep costs to a minimum, place a premium on building lasting relationships, and focus on adding exceptional leadership to our client companies.